Aurora Expeditions will host a “world-first” Antarctic Climate Expedition in 2023.

The event, which will be limited to approximately 100 guests, will be led by conservationist Dr Sylvia Earle, who is godmother of the line’s new vessel, named after her.

Aurora Expeditions stated that it was calling for applications from “thought-leaders in the fields of science, art, education and economics, alongside inquisitive teenagers and corporate executives”.

The 12-day event will start on 13 February 2023, with two nights and a full-day conference in Ushuaia, Argentina, followed by a nine-day voyage on the Sylvia Earle.

The expedition will “address the warming climate and loss of ice in the southern polar region as a direct threat to the future of human life on our planet,” Aurora said in a statement.

Guests will help “formulate 23 resolutions to inspire transformative changes for global net-zero emission by 2050”.

Oceanographer Dr Earle said: “This will be a climate expedition like no other that can have a real impact on the future of our relationship with life on Earth.

“February 2023 will be a moment in time of a gathering of great minds, a brains trust, for commitments to resolve what it takes to move from where we are now to a better future.

“This can be your legacy; you can help change the current course from a catastrophic outcome to a healthy, habitable planet. Please do this for the next generation, for the future of humanity.”

Aurora Expeditions CEO Monique Ponfoort added: “The stories and images from this game-changing expedition aim to encourage the way people see and understand the Antarctic.

“We invite you to be part of the legacy that helps bring about a healthy, sustainable and habitable planet. This is a unique opportunity to discover the beauty and majesty of Antarctica, the last pristine wilderness of penguins, seals, seabirds, glaciers and icebergs, in the company of Dr Earle and her special guests.”